Let’s Talk OCD

Obsessive compulsive disorder can be one of the most frustrating mental illnesses with which to deal.  The repetition of thoughts and behaviors, coupled with a crippling paranoia, makes us feel as if our lives – and minds – are spiraling out of control. I used to be a victim of OCD. I had fallen soContinue reading “Let’s Talk OCD”

Breaking the Generational Curse

Did you know: mental illnesses can be passed down from generation to generation?  Bipolar, depression, and even PTSD (along with numerous other disorders) can be triggered in those with a family history of trauma or abuse.  Oftentimes, these DNA diagnoses are referred to as the ‘generational curse.’  Thankfully, this is one curse that CAN BEContinue reading “Breaking the Generational Curse”

How to be Successful in Your Fight Against Chronic Illness

I was asked to share what it was that specifically helped me. For me, the biggest change seemed to come when my counselor offered me hope, by reassuring me that FND was beatable,  I was able to begin changing my doomsday thoughts from, “This is a permanent condition,” or “I’ll always live with pain,” toContinue reading “How to be Successful in Your Fight Against Chronic Illness”

Let’s Talk: Accepting Doctors’ Diagnoses

The first dozen specialists I had the misfortune of encountering were cold and clinical, writing off my disorder as a piece of fiction that I had concocted.  The very last specialist that I saw, a neurologist at Barrows, was the first to diagnose me with conversion disorder…and the first to offer me kindness.  I wasContinue reading “Let’s Talk: Accepting Doctors’ Diagnoses”

Four Keys to Happiness (Part IV)

There are four main chemicals in our brains that set the foundation for happiness: Serotonin (the mood booster), Endorphin (the painkiller), Dopamine (the ‘reward’ chemical), and Oxytocin (the ‘love’ chemical). In this segment, we will be wrapping our heads around the warm and fuzzy love chemical, Oxytocin. Share a hug.  Whether you’re hugging a lovedContinue reading “Four Keys to Happiness (Part IV)”

The Secret to Functional Relationships

Boundaries. The secret to functional relationships are those invisible lines that tell others what we will and will not allow. The word ’no,’ plays an important role in developing healthy boundaries. Those of us who have grown up with abuse often have skewed views of boundaries, however. Our minds or our bodies have not belongedContinue reading “The Secret to Functional Relationships”

Celebrating Every Victory

Even in pain, there can be purpose – a lesson we can use to turn our setback into a success story. Journaling can help us zero-in on our victories, even as we walk through the healing process. As you might now know, I recently experienced a little setback called conversion disorder. This “setback” involved temporaryContinue reading “Celebrating Every Victory”

The Importance of Hobbies

The intelligent side of our brains – our built-in neurological tupperware – is a wild child that can sometimes get us into trouble. You see, the storage unit of memories, facts, and reason can occasionally leave us overwrought with worry and repetitious thoughts. There is, however, good news! We can avoid this imbalance by feedingContinue reading “The Importance of Hobbies”

Four Keys To Happiness (Part III)

There are four main chemicals in our brains that set the foundation for happiness: Serotonin (the mood booster), Endorphin (the painkiller), Dopamine (the ‘reward’ chemical), and Oxytocin (the ‘love’ chemical). In this post, we will be cashing in on the reward chemical, Dopamine. Complete a task. Even a small task, such as painting a pumpkin,Continue reading “Four Keys To Happiness (Part III)”

The Breakdown of Breakdowns

Breakdowns, cataclysmic though they may seem, have rather simplistic origins.  In fact, the frustration, fears, and tears that sometimes catch a ride on our overloaded brains, are just bit players on the stage of imbalance – the true source of our breakdowns.  Can we avoid this imbalance?  Yes! Find a purpose.  A reason for being,Continue reading The Breakdown of Breakdowns

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